The following can become members of the association:
Catering establishments of various formats and sizes;
Individuals employed in the catering industry;
Enterprises-suppliers of goods and services for HoReCa;
Profile educational institutions;
Students of specialized educational institutions;
Individuals interested in the development of gastronomy in Ukraine.
If you share our goals and objectives, we offer:
1. fill in the URA member questionnaire
2. pay an annual membership fee (UAH 400) and become an associate member of URA
In the future, you can make additional donations (assistance) for the implementation of the URA program. The size and frequency of contributions are not regulated and is your personal choice.
Who is already a member of the association?
Ukrainian Restaurant Association - the largest association of restaurants, cafes and bars in Ukraine; network and independent; from large and small towns and villages across the country. Meet Our people>